You can pay our bills online, primarily using three methods.
- PaySimple
- PayPal
- Direct Payment to NileCPA
PaySimple is one of the preferred payment platforms as they offer user convenience along with enhanced security and data privacy. They know what they do very well! You need not necessarily create an online account to pay using PaySimple.
If you are our first time customer or a returning customer who has not created PaySimple account with us, click on the link below. You shall be directed to our safe and secure online payment form to enter the payment details and proceed with payment.
Paysimple Payment Portal
If you are our returning customer who has created PaySimple account with us, then please click on the link below. This shall provide you with the convenience to avoid filling up your billing information every time you pay our service bills.
Returning Customer With PaySimple Account
If you are more comfortable using PayPal, you need not worry! We have a PayPal account too. It’s amazing! Isn’t it?
To pay using PayPal, you can send your payments directly on . Alternatively, enter the payment amount in the space provided below and then click on ‘Proceed with PayPal Payment’.
Enter the Bill Amount here to pay via Paypal
Proceed with Paypal Payment
Direct Payment to NileCPA
If you want to pay us directly, rather than through online FinTech platforms, you can let us know about it through email, phone or fax.
Our contact details for this service are:
Phone: 111-222-3333
Fax: 444-555-6666
Once you contact us, we shall tell you ‘How to share your payment details with us?’ We are a responsible firm, and we take care of your privacy and data confidentiality matters seriously.
You can also contact us on the above mentioned contact details, should you have any query regarding payments to us.
Specific information for our Tax Service Clients – If you are our Tax service client and wish to make payment using the same account that we linked for your tax payment and/or tax refund, do let us know via email or phone. We shall draft your payment from the same account.
Thank you so much for being our valued customer.